Leave the legal aspects of marriage to the state

One of the burning issues of the day is that of gay marriage.  No question the states can define “marriage” as whatever their constituents wish.  Man and donkey, woman and orangutan, or complimenting chairs.   I have no issue with that aspect of societies rights.  However, religions have serious issues.  “Marriage” as we have known it has been about inheritance rights, something that science has yet to bring about for same-sex or inter-species couples and all religious law is oriented that way.  No wonder it is splitting asunder churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples all over the nation.

May I offer a simple solution for your consideration?  Remove the ability of anyone except certain government clerks the right to legalize a marriage or civil union certificate.  This is the way it works in most of the rest of the world.  In Thailand, a devoutly Buddhist country, marriage takes place when you “sign the book” in front of a civil servant.  After that, the marriage is consecrated at the temple.  Nobody can prevent a couple from signing the book, and nobody can force a temple monk to consecrate the union.

Works for me…what do YOU think?

About David Mallette

Just your average 17 year old whose been around for 71 years.
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